The highest density of multipitches in Lazio is in the area spanning from Gaeta to the Circeo Cape, featuring more than 200 routes, for a total of 20.000 mt of climbing along 18 kilometres of coastline. This guidebook is dedicated to all the climbers who love multipitches, and it’s an invitation to go beyond the safety-zone of the “usual moulinette” climbing. A particular effort has been put in restoring the historical routes, which had been forsaken during the years. All the routes featuring two or more pitches have been reviewed, describing as well the historical evolution of the area.
About the Authors
Fabrizio Antonioli, born in 1953, is a national mountaineering and free climbing instructor since the 90s. He’s been the director of the mountaineering school of Palermo, and has collaborated with several specialized magazines, including “Alp” and “L’Appennino”. He’s a researcher in paleo-climatology and geo-morphology for ENEA, and has published more than one hundreds papers dealing with sea-level variations of Mediterranean.
Riccardo Innocenti, born in 1969, is a national mountaineering, ski-mountaineering and free climbing instructor. He’s the director of the mountaineering school “Franco Alletto” in Rome, he’s a member of the Central Committee for mountaineering schools and of CNSAS. He’s fond of diving, parachuting, paragliding.
Luigi Filocamo, born in 1960, is a mountaineering and ski-mountaineering instructor of CAI. He collaborates with the schools “Estremo Sud” in Catania and “Franco Alletto” in Rome. He’s as well a member of the Inter-regional school “Renato Beretta”. He’s fond of diving and ski-mountaineering, and authored several ski-mountaineering handbooks and guidebooks reviewing central Apennines.
Year: | 2008 |
ISBN: | 978-88-87890-57-0 |
Dimensions: | 15 × 21 cm |
Weight: | 570g |
Code: | LV 28 |